14 Haziran 2013 Cuma

Media for The Reaction Entry 2


It's the ending scene of the movie "My best friend's wedding". I chose this video, because it's closely relevant to the article "Can Women and men be friends?". The movies tells about a story of 3 people, 1 man and 2 women. It's a story of a love triangle. It demonstrates a disadvantage of a woman man friendship if one side is feeling differently. I do not object to woman and man friendship; in fact, I strongly defend this situation if it is done in right way. However, in some cases, these situation may appear. I liked the movie in general, these kind of affections are usual in today's world. However, a best friend should not feel any kind of affection towards the other friend. It may cause some complicated circumstances. In brief, men and women can be friends, even best friends, only if the relation between them consist of no love.

Media for Journal 3


In this Turkish video, some interviews are carried out upon some citizens and experts. It demonstrates the possible affected psychology of children towards 4+4+4 education system in Turkey. This news channel interview is very informative about understanding the mood of children. Because, they are the ones who will go to school at early age. They are the only ones who will be affected by this regulation. I don't think that It's appropriate for children to start school before the age of 7 (maybe some cases, I could be 6). Their point of view should be taken into consideration while impleneming such systems. I liked this interview, It gives some idea about how children may react this situation.

13 Haziran 2013 Perşembe

Video for Journal 5

The Philosophy and Epistemology of Renê Descartes

     In this video, the narrator mentions about the philosophy and epistemology of Descartes. He explains the way Descartes thought how one can know what is true, real, or exist. It's the main question for Philosophy, of course. The narrator supports Descartes' world view, gives references from him. Even he calls Descartes a genius. Descartes attributes existence to thought. If I'm able to think, I have to be exist, something has to be exist. In the video, the man talks about Descartes' life a little bit. He tells where he came from, where he went to, where he was born, etc. It may seem to be unnecessary thing, but I think It's required to understand the conditions of the period he lived in. Then, he talks about the contributions of Descartes to the modern philosophy. He expalins the sentence "I'm thinking, therefore I am" very neatly and briefly. Therefore, anyone who knows a little bit English can easily understand this topic. Generally, I found this media very beneficial and professional. He knows what to tell, and knows how to tell. There are no distracting elements in the video. Nevertheless, some image could be more useful for better understanding of Descartes. 

Video for Journal 4


In this video, we can see the instrumental richness and variety of Radiohead year by year. As you can see, Radihead constantly changes its sound,rhytms, and of course the instruments they play. Because each member of the band can play more than one musical instrument, they are able to create very authentic tracks. I think their talent also gives a lot of pleasure while listening them. Both the vocalist's and the instruments' voices are very relieving. As we look at the dates of the tracks, It is obvious that they are very experienced in music industry. The quality of tracks are really fascinating. They're full of emotions. 

   Video making method is average, but It could be better. The slides between tracks could be smooth, so one can feel the exact emotions without any distraction. Nevertheless, It is a good compilation and very beneficial to compare the changes year by year.

Journal 4

The Instrument Effect of A Band: Radiohead

The role of instruments is undeniable about musician’s creating music. In order to state the place and importance of instruments about creating music, this subject is referred by addressing the band Radiohead.
The reason of constantly changing music style of Radiohead is that band members have different talents and musical pleasures. In the band, only the lead guitarist Jonny Greenwood gets classical music training . Greenwood is a multi-instrumentalist who is able to play manual, ondes martenot, banjo, viola, harmonica, and any and all musical instruments besides guitar. In recent years, electronic and digital sound playing tools have got involved the instruments he is using. However, he uses a part of them only during concerts. Greenwood is also making the arrangement of stringed orchestras in Radiohead tracks such as “Climbing Up the Walls”, “How to Disappear Completely”, “Pyramid Song”, and “Faust Arp”. Thom Yorke also plays guitar and piano. Once upon a time, he was Dj in a techno band named as “Flickernoise” at Exeter University2. Yorke focusing on electronic music completely said that if he was forced to make a decision between making music with guitar and electronic music, he would choose the electronic music, on a radio program in 20033.
During the band’s shifting period about music style from guitar to electronic, band members had developed more flexibility about instrument usage. In this situation, all members can specify their positions according to instrumental requirements of a song. During the records of Kid A and Amnesiac, while Thom Yorke was playing manual and bass guitar, the lead guitarist Jonny Greenwood was playing ondes martenot rather than guitar; and bass guitarist Colin Greenwood was handling with modeling. While Ed O’Brien and Phil Selway were using guitar and drum as main instruments, they were also using drum machine and digital sound playing tools. There were other expansions in the records Hail to the Thief in 2003. Yorke expressed it as “My authority in the band was unbalanced and I could mess up the band’s order at all costs. Now the situation is healthier, more democratic than before.”
According to this examination, the most important instrument in the band Radiohead is guitar from my point of view. Guitar is indispensable whether other instruments take place or not. Guitar is still holding its own place by preserving its routine importance about producing music even if musicians head towards current and popular music, even if music is made in electronic environment.

Journal 5



René Descartes has been called as the “Father of Modern Philosophy”. His philosophy is still studied at the present time. He was born in the city which is now called “Descartes” in France, in 1596. He is best known for his philosophical statement “Cogito ergo sum” which means “I think therefore I am”. In this writing, I will try to explain what he means by this expression.
Descartes’s philosophical goal was to find the absolute certainty. To achieve absolute certainty, Descartes only accepts the things he could verify with his mind as true. He started doubting everything and saw that there are very few things he could be sure about. Descartes’s starting point was subjective. His attitude was skeptical. He used the method of doubt while he is searching for certain knowledge. He questions how he can be sure that he is sitting by the fire, holding a piece of paper. He can be dreaming or being deceived by a demon. After all, he comes to the conclusion that even if he dreams or a demon deceives him, there is something dreaming or being deceived. There is something indubitable. He must exist in order to be deceived by a demon. He must exist to doubt from things. Doubting is a mental activity and it requires an “I” to practice the activity. As long as he thinks, he exists. He concluded that he must exist because he is thinking. Although he is being deceived or he is dreaming, there is something thinking. At that point, Descartes becomes sure that “I” exists. So, he said that “I think therefore I am.”

Journal 3


Turkish education system has undergone a lot of changes through history. Lately there is a new system that dividing the compulsory education into 3 phases which are 4+4+4. This system has drawn reaction from in Turkey. First of all, opposing parties objected to this system due to its content. Because, they think that it’s an on purpose action from government. They defend that government wants to integrate some ideological structures into educational system. For example, turban is a controversial and elective Quran course makes available to wear turban in secondary grades at schools.  Secondly, civil people have also reacted against the government because of this system. Some parents defend that their children shouldn’t be compelled for some obligatory courses which are actually should be elective.

 Another parent reaction is that turban should not be put into primary schools. Because, according to them, school should not consist of religious content. The last but not the least is that the cost of this change is very high, and opposing parties are thinking it as waste of money. To conclude, new educational system of Turkey has drawn strong negative reactions both politics and civil people, but it has already become a part of education system.

Journal 2


Football is a team game that is played with a special ball by 11 people for each team. Football is the most popular sport on earth with 250 million players over 200 countries. It is played on a natural or artifical grass square field. Football matches last for 90 mins; 45 mins for each half. While the team managing to score more goals then the other team wins, equal number of goals in a match results in deuce. 

     Cuju, a sport remarkable to Football played 2000-3000 years ago in China, is considered as the ancestor of modern football. Modern football rules were symstematized by English Football Federation in 1863. The International management organization of football is FIFA. 

    The ball games played with foot dates back to Asian Hun Empire, 3000. The Chinese developed it and created the game named Cuju. On the tombs in Egypt, some images demonstrating a human figure playing a game with foot were found. Some leather balls from 2500 years before has reached  today's world, and they are being exhibited in some museums. In some history books, there is a game named "Tepük" in Turkish Culture. It is very similar to modern football from some aspects. For example: It has rules that one cannot touch the ball with hand, perform a fault, and the ball cannot go out of the play field. The roots of today's modern football is the game "harpastum" played by roman soldiers. 


    The first women match was played in Northern London in 1895. During the World War I, while men were at war, women working in factories used to play football matches. Today, besides continental national team competitions; some other club tournaments are being held. As of the April, 2013, there are 176 woman national teams all over the world.

12 Haziran 2013 Çarşamba

Article Reaction 3


In this writing, the writer tells about some facts related to daily family life of Italian men. He says that there is a huge tendency towards living with parents, especially with mother in Italy. The reasons of this trend are, in fact, very obvious. The first reason is that Italian boys are bond to their family very strictly. They give so much importance on their family relations. Mother is holy for them. Second reason is that they like to live within a comfortable environment. The majority of men between 18-54 are living with their family now in Italy. Contrary to other countries such as U.K, etc, Italians does not rely upon the idea of living on their own. It's not a necessity for them, and after the age of 18, they usually don't move out even if they go to college. The reason of this is that their families are against working while studying. They believe that it looks like a bit needy. From their perspective, I acknowledge them to be right. For their culture, it is to be done in this way, and also who does not want to live with his/her mother who does everything he/she needs. Almost no one wants his/her comfort be disturbed. 
However, some may argue that they are mamma's boy, and they cannot do anything when they get married. Yes, it is true. Italian men are some kind of macho and masculine, they don't much pay attention to do housework, etc., and they can be very mamma loving. It can be unpleasant in some cases. For example; they can bring their mother to a romantic holiday with their wives regardless of the wives' thoughts. I think it's irritating, too. Yes, I do also believe that all mothers are unique and holy, but one simply should not scramble them together. One's married life and parent life should be diveded in order not to make problems. 

In conclusion, Italian men are right from some certain aspects, while they are conflicting with the marriage rules. Men should recognize their wives' thoughts, mammas' thoughts, and then they should strike the right balance. It is the turning point of having a neat, happy life.

Reaction on Article 2


In this writing, the writer tells about the possible relation ships between men and women, and if its right or wrong. He draws the attention on gender roles, and explains why it's a usual thing in our daily life. 

Firstly, I agree with the writer from certain aspects. Today's world is a place that every thing is engaged to each other. There are no gender differences anymore. With technological advances, women and men have become to interact with each other very frequently. Therefore, gender roles are mixed intensively. Someone can easily communicate with the opposite sex in every field of life, so they can share lots of things besides sexual desires, etc. The popular belief that women and men can not be friends is now nothing but a taboo. Yes, It used to be like that due to lack of communication of the opposite genders. However, people now are making much more intersexual friendships. I think It is a normal and usual thing. Men and women can definitely be friends, even close friends, maybe the closest. Some can think that it is not possible, because they can not tell certain things such as sexuality, swares, manly and womanly things, etc. Nevertheless, to be the best friend, these are not necessary things at all. Additionally, cross sex friendship encourages the self-confidence. It rises the mutual benefit and maximizes the confortableness between opposite sex communications. It also provides significant exchanges between gender roles. Men become feminine ( not mean homosexuality), women become masculine. This exchange provides much less distance relations in a society. All people can feel equal. Cross sex friendships can offer different kinds of thoughts on a single subject, so you can see situations from different aspects. It helps you to evaluate your conditions, and to act in an appropriate and right way. 

In conclusion, cross sex friendships helps people to improve social skills, self-confidence, seeing the things from different windows, etc. It is not an unusual notion, but a very usual and beneficial concept for humankind. 

17 Mayıs 2013 Cuma

Reaction on Article 1

Reaction on PowerPhrases: The Key to Winning

In this writing, the writer talks about the importance of using Powerphrases to make a real impression on the audience. He gives some certain examples of how powerphrases affects the audience. I find it right within this subject. I also believe that telling more things with less words is a striking factor for anyone to respect you. In today's world, as the writer said in the text, respect is not free anymore. It's gained through some efforts. You should make a good impression on people and earn it. You cannot simply demand respect by relying on your age or status. You have to show something to them. However, you also cannot earn them by using less words alone. You first should get the education of this term according to the writing. There are courses in this field. It may sound like a piece of cake, but it is not, in fact. It requires a basis. Nevertheless, according to the writing again, you cannot influence people with getting this education. I agree with this idea strongly. Because, if you haven't got any knowledge, and you are trying to use this education to impress people, you will most probably fail. In conclusion, powerphrases, in my opinion, are the key factor to convey your thoughts to the audience perfectly, and to make them respect your thoughts willingly. By doing so, your self-confidence will increase enormously, and maybe will be promoted in your workfield.

10 Mart 2013 Pazar

Journal 1 (Informatics Technologies)

Informatics Technologies

Informatics Technologies have developed abundantly in the late two decades. These technologies led people to find and reach information much easier. It has become to hold a very important part of human life. So I’ve decided to write about informatics technologies because of this stature. Firstly, we can say that the Internet appeared about two or three decades ago, and it caused people to be aware of what happened, what is happening and even what will happen. It’s the easiest and the fastest way to reach information about what you are looking for. However the internet has become not just for the desktops or laptops, but also for the cell phones, tablets, and very tiny little devices. Books have become to be read online within the format of pdf, Epub, etc. via using some devices such as kindle, tablets, and some other e-book readers. One can also read e-book with their desktops. In addition to their availability, these technologies also provide the cheapest cost of reaching information. There are a number of websites providing a great amount of information without any payment. So, these anonymous sites can be used by people to do homeworks, reach information for their studies, watch movies or tv series for fun, etc.

 However, engaging with these technologies may make someone be isolated from social life and physical health. Firstly, someone spending his/her time in front of these devices both for research and fun can become less social than he/she used to be. However, it largely depends on the one’s self control. On the contrary, he can make friends and get socialize by using these things. However, how much these relationships are healthy is a subject of dispute. Secondly, spending so much time in front of these technologies may harm the spinal wellness, fat balance, and eye health. So, someone who has to spend a lot of time in front of these devices should do some exercises and avoid spending less than 3 hours for once. In conclusion, people should consider the pros and cons of informatics technologies for their health.